Battle of the Books

Battle of the Books (BOB) meets on Thursday afternoons in Room 121--across from the library. We will be reading and discussing the 2017-2018 Middle School Virginia Reader’s Choice Books --in no particular order. A good way of describing this club would be "Quiz Bowl meets Literary Club." In a typical meeting, we...

  • discuss the books that we've read so far
  • compose Quiz Bowl-style questions about the books (using the questionnaire)
  • compete against each other to see who knows the books the best
  • play Pictionary, Charades, and other such games--using the books
  • chat about random literary topics

Ultimately, club members will form teams of 3-4 that will then compete against each other in a school-level Battle of the Books championship. If there's enough student interest this year, perhaps we will be able to branch out and compete against other schools...

Battle of the Books: Find out about the books!

Questionnaire for Battle of the Books.


Click HERE to access the BOB Team Survey!