Monday, January 13, 2025 Lancer Times
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Monday, January 13, 2025Lancers,
I hope that everyone had a great winter break. I also hope you had a chance to enjoy our snow days last week! I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms. Rubenia Alvarez and our amazing custodial team for all of their hard work last week clearing snow from our campus. We have an amazing and dedicated team of custodians that ensures our campus is always top notch!
It is hard to believe that we are already planning for next year. Please see information below regarding upcoming academic advising and curriculum nights for both LMS and also McLean HS.
As always, please feel free to reach out directly if you have any questions.
Jim Patrick
Longfellow MS
This weekend, Zafyr, 7th grader, placed third in the International Academic Competition’s Regional Geography Bee! This qualifies him for both the National Competition in Orlando and secures him a spot in the 2026 International Competition.
Schedule for the next two weeks:
IMPORTANT INFORMATION Rising 9th Grade Academic AdvisingRising 9th grade students attended Academic Advising Overview sessions with McLean, Marshall, & Langley HS counselors via science classes today. Starting January 14th, our 8th grade counselors will conduct individual meetings with each rising 9th grade student about course offerings and how to maximize academic success. Students are encouraged to make course selections by March 7, 2025.
Rising 8th Grade Academic AdvisingOn February 13th & 14th, our counselors will be visiting your student’s English class to give an Academic Advising overview of course offerings and electives for their 8th grade year. Starting on February 18th, our 7th grade counselors will conduct individual meetings with each rising 8th grade student. Course selections are due in StudentVue March 7, 2025.
Course Selections - Students will be making their course selections in StudentVue. When counselors visit the classes, they will be walking your student through the process for making these selections. Information has been posted on the website on how to request course selections in StudentVue.
Advising Website - Our website is the main hub of information. There you will find our course catalog, videos/presentations about each of our core departments and electives.
Please reach out to your student’s counselor if you have any questions.
Attention 8th graders: Are you looking for a way to get stronger, faster, and more coordinated? Then come join us on Thursdays, starting February 6th, during the first block (2:25-3:25) in the weight room in GYM 1. Did you know that weight training helps you build muscle, improves your balance, and prevents injuries? Lifting weights can also boost your confidence and make you feel awesome! Whether you play basketball, soccer, or any other sport, lifting weights can increase your speed, power, and agility. Stronger muscles and better coordination mean you're less likely to get hurt during sports or everyday activities. See Ms. Shapiro if you have any questions!
We have 20 spots and will be holding a lottery. If you are interested, fill out this google form.
PARENT INFORMATION Rising 7th Grade Curriculum Night - January 15, 2025Longfellow Middle School is excited to invite you to our Rising 7th Grade Curriculum Night on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
This event will provide valuable information about Longfellow Middle School and the transition to middle school. Families will have the opportunity to hear from core and elective teachers as they highlight their engaging classes. Students and staff will also be available to answer any questions.
If inclement weather occurs, the event will be rescheduled for Tuesday, January 21, 2025, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
We look forward to welcoming you to Longfellow!
McLean High School Rising 9th Grade Curriculum Night-January 14, 2025McLean High School will be holding a Curriculum Night for parents of the class of 2029 (current 8th grade students) at McLean HS on Tuesday, January 14th at 6:00pm in the auditorium. The evening session aims to provide parents with information that will help their incoming 9th grade student with the transition to high school. Topics include getting involved with extracurricular activities, graduation requirements, and the registration process for 9th grade courses. We will also have a panel of core teachers sharing information on their content areas. Following the presentation, teachers from various departments will be available to answer questions about 9th grade classes until 7:30pm.
Snow Date: Monday, January 27th @ 6:00pm in the auditorium
2025 STEM Essay ContestWomen have not always been recognized for their contributions in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). The McLean Area Branch is sponsoring its seventh annual STEM Essay Contest in 2025 to challenge 7th and 8th grade students, girls and boys, to discover and publicize women who made a difference in STEM fields, but who did not receive recognition for their contributions while alive. Strong preference is given to essays about women who are not well known even today.
For this contest, the student is asked to describe one woman’s STEM contribution and its impact, as well as why the student selected the woman.
Essay Guidelines:
- Essays must be no more than 500 words and include a bibliography with 2-5 sources (not part of the 500 words).
- Please follow the MLA style for formatting entries in the bibliography; multiple online sources describe the MLA format.
- Do not include photos or graphics.
- Essays will be judged for:
• effectiveness in addressing the theme ((a) description of the contribution, (b) its impact, and (c) your reason for selecting the woman),
• writing style (including organization, clarity, accuracy, originality in style, and word choice), and
• mechanics (including punctuation, grammar, spelling, and style of bibliography).
- Essays must be the original work of the student. If an essay is found to have any indication of plagiarism or contains factual errors, it will not eligible for an award.
- Students entering the contest must attend one of the following schools: Cooper, Longfellow, Poe, Luther Jackson, The Langley School, St. John Academy, The Potomac School, St. Luke Catholic School, or BASIS Independent McLean.
- See our “Tips” page here.
An application form can be picked up from the main office or downloaded here:
In fillable PDF format: 2025 STEM Essay Contest Application-PDF-Fillable
The deadline for submitting applications is Monday, February 10, 2025, at 11:00 pm EST. No late submissions will be accepted. Only one essay per student is permitted. ALL STUDENTS SHOULD EMAIL THEIR APPLICATIONS TO [email protected]. TO FINISH THE PROCESS, EACH STUDENT SHOULD CHECK THAT HE OR SHE HAS RECEIVED A RETURN EMAIL VERIFYING THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION HAS BEEN SUBMITTED.
NOTE: All students should check that they have submitted a file that is filled in (NOT BLANK) and is in either a readable PDF or Word format.
Essay Prizes
-First Place $100 and Honorable Mention (4 Prizes) $25
-Winners will be notified by email.
-The student awarded First Place must be able to attend the AAUW McLean Area Branch Event on the evening of Tuesday, March 18, 2025, to receive the award and will be invited to read his or her essay at the dinner. All winners will be invited to the dinner.
Any questions about the STEM Essay Contest may be sent to Judy Page, STEM Chair, at [email protected].
2000 Westmoreland Street, Falls Church, VA 22043 | Main Office: 703-533-2600
Attendance: 703-533-2626 | Web | Twitter